Tuesday, October 2, 2007

BONUS: Rehearsal Quotes

Brought to you by The Theatre Offensive and the creative team behind Oedipus at Palm Springs.

"The only thing more capricious than that fates is the MBTA."
-Adam (Asst. Director)

"I think, you wanna stay up so I don't really have to fuck you. But I will, if I have to."
"Aw, you're so sweet."
"Anything for the scene."
-Moe, Vanessa (Actors)

"I can literally undress her with my eyes. Woosh."
-Moe (Actor)

"All in a day's work."
-Moe (Actor) after rehearsing passionate sex scene for 35 minutes

"Make-out rewind. Come here."
-Moe (Actor)

"They're gonna be sliding off their seats!"
-Moe (Actor), re. sex scene

"Ah, dancing with Slav's."
-Moe (Actor)

"How much ass cracking are we gonna see here?"
-Brigid (Actor)

"Prinn's a class-act compared to Moe."
-Moe (Actor) re. her character

"Make it look like an orgasm and a birth at the same time."
"Ready - go!"
-Kate (Director), Me (Stage Manager)

"Are you writing this down?"
"Yes. Orgasm plus birth. No stirrups. Got it."
"Thank you."
-Kate (Director), Me (Stage Manager)

"My god, it's like a David Blane trick. 'For the next three weeks, my head will be in a woman's vagina.'"
-Adam (Asst. Director)

"Take those down her body."
"Down the treasure trail!"
-Kate (Director), Moe (Actor)

"I'm gonna fly solo. I'm gonna crash solo. It's just how I roll."
-Caleb (LD)

"And now a word from Socrates: Hemlock bad."
-Jess (PM)

"Don't you need to see a run?"
-Kate (Dir.), Caleb (LD)

"My request was for ethereal with a Mayan-Western theme, with a female vocalist that doesn't say any words."
-Scootch (Sound Designer), Me (Stage Manager)

"This is wacko. This whole production is wacko."
-Judy (Scenic Designer)

"Little bits. Pasties. Nude one-sie with fig leaves."
-Natalie (Costume Designer)

"She'll be doin' her thang in her thong."
"Loincloth. Please."
-Kate (Dir.), Caleb (LD)

"You're trying to get at her-"
"Um, not what I was thinking, but close..."
-Kate (Dir), Mal (Actor)

"They're naked."
"Great. Moving on."
-Jess (PM), Natalie (CD), Kate (Dir)

"What's a gobo?"
"An African Quilt."
-Vanessa (Actor), Mal (Actor)

"I think she docile, but she dumb."
-Brigid (Actor) in character, referring to her partner

"You guys are tit-mongers."
-Kate (Dir.)

Steve Shipps Strikes Again

"It's creative... at least to a silly degree."
-Steve Shipps

"Language? Far out, man! Let's talk about language!"
-Steve Shipps

"You might have heard about the parrot that died at MIT. Which was just freakish."
-Steve Shipps

"Did Adam, before the rib got yanked, make any art?"
-Steve Shipps

"He named the animals and trees and flowers and shit."
"Really? Adam did that?"
"Far out!"
-Male Student, Steve Shipps

"It's a myth. It exists in our minds, therefore we're there."
"I am not going to have this conversation with you."
-Annoying Kid, Steve Shipps

"Let's not stray into the metaphysical until after class, okay, my friend?"
-Steve Shipps to Annoying Kid

"It could be a fir tree or... uh... the other one... the leafy one..."
"Right. Leafy."
-Steve Shipps, Male Student

"Even if your dog is the second smartest dog there ever was... the first being my dog Charlie..."
-Steve Shipps

"Every day I got up at 4:30a to go to the gym to maintain my boyish figure before I came down here to wow you guys."
-Steve Shipps

"So does that mean the rest of you are *spits* cat people?"
-Steve Shipps

"You know, Freud: sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."
-Steve Shipps

"Lewis Carol, the known-pedophile, had this to say about art..."
-Steve Shipps

"Yo! YO! DECORUM! It's a college class for God's sake!"
-Steve Shipps

"There is a deathly silence fallen over the room. Is this confusing? Or is it boring beyond all saying?"
-Steve Shipps

"Chances are, you don't want to go to a (Harvard Business School) interview in a thong and flippers."
-Steve Shipps

"You do not take your clothes off and throw yourself into the grapefruit at the supermarket."
-Steve Shipps

*pulling the desk across the room, subsequently catching and knocking over a chair, which in turn was tangled into the cables attached to the keyboard and mouse, yanking them to the floor*
"You didn't see a damn thing."
-Steve Shipps to Snickering Students

"I think we have a lot to do. I'm not sure. We'll see."
-Steve Shipps

"Horrible florescent lighting ruled by switches which are impossible to understand could be a clue (that you're in an establishment of higher education)."
-Steve Shipps

"It'll give the cabby the infamous finger, it's still not Art."
-Steve Shipps

"Well, I might as well confuse things even further. Brace yourselves."
-Steve Shipps

"He said, beating a very dead horse..."
-Steve Shipps

"Okay. *cough* Pause. Begin again."
-Steve Shipps

"You thought this course was weird before... HA!"
-Steve Shipps

"Is this model a bunch of nodes held in their position by colored sticks? Or is it a bunch of colored sticks held together by nodes? *dramatic pause/removes glasses* Next, we'll work on that falling tree in the woods issue. But for now, the nodes."
-Steve Shipps

"Whew. Lotta blank stares out there. You all okay?"
-Steve Shipps, to Silent Students with Blank Stares

"Remember, we're talking about existential despair."
-Steve Shipps

"Don't panic. It's rhetorical. I"ll answer it for you. Calm down."
-Steve Shipps

"I like to sit in the back of family cars and say words over and over until they cease to be words. You ever done that? Try it out, those of you who haven't. Sit in a dark corner and say, 'pickle. Pickle."
-Steve Shipps

"Most famously he wrote the Canterbury Tales, some of which are wicked dirty. Fantastic. Chaucer."
-Steve Shipps

"Some international whoopdeedoo expert."
-Steve Shipps

"I was sniveling and weeping and trying to lick his shoes. I would have said 'fuck,' if I thought I could have. *pause* Then again, I'm not sure I can even say it now... I'm sorry if I've offended any of you. Shit."
-Steve Shipps

"Did you know that wedding dresses on the frontier were black? Didn't show the horse hair as much. *pause, grin* I'm full of this stuff."
-Steve Shipps

"You guys are about fifteen times smarter than your peers of thirty years ago. Don't get excited. It's been a gradual process. You're not that special."
-Steve Shipps

"Finally, some Thursday afternoon, a Beasty wakes up and goes, 'Oh. Shit. There's me... and everything else.' How does Beasty deal with it? Total mental chaos and existential despair ensues."
-Steve Shipps

"When the lighting hits the ground and the fire catches the bunnies they become immobilized and tenderized. This is what we have learned as an evolved Beasty."
-Steve Shipps

"For those of you who haven't read it... imagine my surprise... here's a recap."
-Steve Shipps

"It's the animals, man. They don't have to deal with this hoo-hah."
-Steve Shipps

"You can tell my insecurity is growing in leaps and bounds."
-Steve Shipps

"Thursday I'm getting a medical procedure for old people. It certainly is a hit to the ego. But I'm told I'll get really good dope. So don't miss me too much. I won't miss you. But you'll see me on Tuesday. Provided the dope wears off."
-Steve Shipps