Thursday, October 25, 2007

Stephen Shipps Strikes Again

"So what may I do for you, my children?"

"What is a latte, anyway?" -shipps
"Expensive." -boy
later: "Latte's are goooooooooood."

"I thought I'd take the final step to hip today."
-referring to latte

"You're noticing all this friggin stuff."
-re. novel

"you will never be more aware of the dangerous potential of a chainsaw than when someone is juggling them."

"wiffle, wiffle..."
-mocking students turning pages for review

"I know it's possible to walk away from my blathering thinking that artists walk around in a coma. The opposite is most certainly so."

"I'm not a mystic. You guys should know me well enough by now for that."

"I've driven one away."
-girl going to bathroom

"For those few of you who do have friends, sit down with those friends and get relatively straight, look at your notes and see what you can hash out."

"Traditionally, Emersonians loooooooooove music, but traditionally, you don't know how to talk about it intelligently. Traditionally."

"What do you expect from this paper?" -girl

"Then you will be, how we say, screwed."

"The whole thing was an act of perversion."
-student's paper on The Shadow

"If only I could put beepers on you so I'd know if you ever went near a library. But alas..."

"What are you gonna ask us? You don't have to..." -girl
"No. I don't."

"It's okay. We can march forward into the unknown." -kim
"Excellent. Cool. I'm so glad to hear that."-shipps
"I'm way more confident now."-faith
"Oh yeah."-others